Managing at home articles

Tips and Tricks At Home
Managing at home can be one of the biggest challenges when diagnosed with sight loss. Everyday tasks can sometimes seem insurmountable, there are many simple tips and tricks that can make a difference.

Tips and tricks for parenting with sight loss
Tips, tricks and advice other blind and partially sighted parents have offered to parents and grandparents living with sight loss..
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Tips and Tricks – In the Kitchen
We’ve collected some of your handy hints to help make navigating your kitchen and cooking meals a little bit easier, and of course to help you stay safe.

Tips and Tricks in the Garden
Whether you have a small window box or space to create flower beds, you may find some of these tips helpful to stay independent in the garden.

Tips and Tricks for Reading and Writing
Ten quick tips for reading and writing. From magnifiers and lighting, to audiobooks, writing guides and large print calendars.
Find out more about "Tips and Tricks for Reading and Writing"

Get into the Garden!
Discover how gardening can be a pastime you can enjoy with some adaptations and clever tips and tricks.

Kitchen Skills and Simple Recipes
This booklet covers the most important areas of consideration when in the kitchen, provides handy tips, describes some of the specialist equipment available, and includes some easy recipes for you to try.
Download about "Kitchen Skills and Simple Recipes" (PDF 187 KB)

Making Technology Work For You – Built in technology
Your everyday technology (e.g. mobile phone / tablet) has a large range of built in features you can use to help with the challenges sight loss can pose.
Find out more about "Making Technology Work For You – Built in technology"

Reading Independently
No matter what level of sight you have, there are ways in which we can help you to remain an independent reader.

Making Tech Work for You – Online Shopping
Marc Gulwell, our Sight Loss Advisor Manager writes about how shopping online has helped him. As someone registered blind, one of the most difficult things I have found to do...
Find out more about "Making Tech Work for You – Online Shopping"