Referring into our services
We support blind and partially sighted people across Bristol, Bath & NE Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire

Professional Referrals
If you are a professional and would like to refer someone into our services, please complete the Referral Form for Professionals. Only use this form if you have a legal basis to be sharing this information. This would usually be after discussion with the person being referred, however it depends on your organisation’s privacy policy. We will only use this information to follow up with the person who is being referred, and offer our services.
We have produced 2 different formats of the form, so please choose whichever you find easiest to fill out.
Sight Support West of England – Referral Form for Professionals (DOCX, 88 KB
Sight Support Referral Form for Professionals – Online Microsoft Form
Accessing our Services
You don’t need a referral to access our services. If you would like to find out how we can help, please contact us. You can either call us on 0117 322 4885, email us at or use the contact form at the end of this page.