Blind Person’s Tax Allowance

Blind Person’s Tax Allowance
- Overview
Blind Person’s Allowance is an extra amount of tax-free allowance. It means you can earn more before you start paying Income Tax.
- What you’ll get
Blind Person’s Allowance is added to your yearly Personal Allowance – the amount of money you can earn before you start paying Income Tax. This allowance is on top of the normal allowance set by the government.
Tax year Blind Person’s Allowance
2022 to 2023 £2600
2023 to 2024 £2870
If you and your spouse or civil partner are both eligible, you’ll each get an allowance.
You can transfer your Blind Person’s Allowance to your spouse or civil partner if you do not pay tax or earn enough to use all of your allowance.
- Eligibility
England and Wales
You can claim Blind Person’s Allowance if both of the following apply:
- you’re registered with your local council as blind or severely sight impaired
- you have a certificate that says you’re blind or severely sight impaired (or a similar document from your doctor)
- How to claim
Contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to claim.
Telephone: 0300 200 3301
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm (except bank holidays)
Saturday, 8am to 4pm
Info taken from HMRC Website – Nov 2022